About Candela

We are a Polish non-profit organization established in February 2021. Our mission is to support young people advancing optical and photonic sciences in Poland and to promote these fields both nationally and internationally.

Our values


It is extremely important to us that our community trusts Candela and gets actively involved in its activities and initiatives. In our opinion, this will not be possible without full transparency of our activities, therefore we will publish on our website not only the financial and factual reports on the activities of the foundation, but also all the resolutions of the bodies of Candela and a full statement of income and expenses incurred by the Foundation.

Inclusiveness of actions

In creative fields, which is what optics and photonics are, the best ideas are generated when they are created by representatives of different backgrounds who look at an issue from a different perspective. As Candela Foundation, we support initiatives that promote openness, inclusivity and respect for the diversity of voices in the discussion. We also believe that countering discrimination is one of the most important challenges for modern science.

Flexible support

While designing the Foundation’s structure, including the powers of individual bodies and the communication rules between them, the Founders ensured that the Foundation would have the ability to act flexibly and efficiently. They also made sure that, in the event of changes in the surrounding reality, the foundation would be able to adapt in such a way that it could continue to best support the development of optics and photonics in Poland.

Support for young

Candela team consists of young people who are familiar with the realities of optics and photonics development in Poland. We are aware that it is precisely thanks to young people, who still believe “it can be done,” that projects and technologies of global importance are being developed in Poland.


We organize and support events (scientific conferences, workshops, summer schools, training sessions, webinars) that foster growth within the optics and photonics community. We create opportunities for networking, presenting research findings, and promoting them within the international community.

Support Programs

We acquire funding to carry out key initiatives that directly assist individuals working to advance optics and photonics in Poland. Our priorities include promoting international experts, increasing student mobility within Poland, and expanding the reach of science to a broader audience.


We build and manage nationwide communication channels that provide access to the latest information on optics and photonics in Poland. Our flagship project is the Polish Newsletter on Optics and Photonics co-created with the Polish Technology Platform on Photonics. Sign up for it on the Newsletter page!

Sources of Financing

The Foundation’s activities are financed from:

  • Donations
  • Paid public benefit activities
  • Business activities

Revenues from business activities cover the current operating costs of the Foundation, while donations are allocated to scholarships within the Foundation’s programs (unless the donor requests otherwise). As part of paid public benefit activities, we organize scientific conferences.

Foundation Board

Foundation Board is responsible for the ongoing activities of the Foundation. The activities of the Board are monitored by the Foundation’s Council, which represents various environments developing optics and photonics in Poland.

  • Piotr Węgrzyn

    President, Co-Founder
  • Mihai Suster

    Vicepresident, Co-Founder
  • Adam Wiadomski

    Vicepresident, Co-Founder

Documents regulating Foundation’s activities

    • Candela Foundation Statute
    • The Public Benefit and Volunteerism Act
    • The Foundations Acts