On 16 October 2024, the online lecture series begins: Exploring the Terahertz Fundamental Principles & Frontiers (as part of Candela Open Lectures).

These lectures, conducted in English, will take place every Wednesday and will run until 4 December 2024. Their topics will focus on the latest developments in terahertz radiation. The meetings, whose main target audience is students, PhD students and young scientists from all over Poland, will be led by eminent specialists in optics and photonics.

The substantive organisers of the series, Agnieszka Siemion of the Warsaw University of Technology and Łukasz Sterczewski of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, have invited leading experts to share their knowledge and experience with the participants.

There is a unique opportunity to learn about key issues related to terahertz radiation and to network with leaders in the field.

Full details, topics for each meeting and lecturer profiles:

THZ Lectures programme page

We look forward to your participation!