The Candela Foundation, in cooperation with the University of Warsaw, has opened applications for a paid summer internship programme aimed at the most talented male and female students related to optics and photonics.

For whom?

The ‘Resonators’ programme is aimed at talented male and female students whose research work focuses on theoretical and/or experimental aspects of key areas of modern science and technology: optics and photonics. Those who, in addition to their research activities, are actively involved in the life of their community through, for example, membership in scientific clubs or organisation of events, are particularly encouraged to apply. This year, we invite people studying outside of Warsaw to join the programme.


Interns, selected in an open competition, will take part in 8-week research work under the supervision of Warsaw University scientists. This year’s Supervisors include Michał Tomza, ERC Starting Grant winner dealing with the theoretical description of ultracold matter; Jan Suffczyński, who, together with the LUMS group, demonstrated the phenomenon of polariton lasing in a system of coupled optical microcavities and Michał Karpiński, responsible, together with his team, for launching the protocol for Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) in Poland.


In 2022, the Foundation is offering 3 scholarships to cover the cost of relocation for the duration of the internship; each with a gross value of PLN 4,500. In parallel, participating students will be provided with a programme of specialised training to improve their soft skills.

More information

Resonators programme website