Supervisors: dr inż. Marta Mikuła-Zdańkowska i dr inż. Sławomir Tomczewski
Internship Hosting Organization: International Centre for Translational Eye Research
City: Warsaw
Proposed topics of the internship: Early detection of eye diseases, as well as the ability to precisely monitor the course of therapy, is a crucial element in preventing premature vision loss. At ICTER, we are working on the development of Spatio-Temporal Optical Coherence Tomography (STOC-T). This is an advanced imaging method that uses near-infrared light to create detailed, three-dimensional images of the interior of the eye, particularly the retina. By leveraging interference, this technique enables the acquisition of exceptionally high-resolution images, allowing for the precise mapping of fine eye structures.
One of the key advantages of STOC-T is its very rapid data acquisition—three-dimensional retinal images can be obtained in just a few milliseconds. This speed also makes it possible to study the response of retinal photoreceptors to light with remarkable precision, which is the foundation of optoretinography (ORG). ORG provides the ability to observe early deficiencies in photoreceptor function and detect pathological changes even before they become visible in structural images.
The proposed internship project will focus on developing and implementing these methods. The student will have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience with modern retinal imaging techniques and analyze data acquired using STOC-T and ORG. The internship will also include learning how to process and interpret data in the context of retinal biology, as well as advanced image analysis techniques. This internship is an excellent opportunity to explore interdisciplinary methods at the intersection of optics, biology, and data analysis.
More information:
Press release on STOC-T technology
Press release on optoretinography